Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Last 3 months in a Peapod...

Well I can't believe that Emma is 3 almost 4 months old already. She is still just such a cute little thing and I can't seem to get enough of her. At first I was really upset with myself for not having some overwelming emotional moment when she was first born, but looking back at how everything happened I am learning that it's okay and I do not have to feel quilty about it anymore. Everything just happened so quickly and I was really robbed from having a normal experience with my precious newborn. There were even days when I actually felt like I was greiving over not being pregnant anymore, pretty bizarre I know. I guess hormones will make you think and feel unusual ways at times. I am thankful for the two months I got to spend at home but boy did they fly right on by. Going back to work hasn't been as bad as I envisioned it to be but don't get me wrong I would rather be at home with my baby girl if we could afford it. Emma is constantly changing whether it's just her getting bigger or doing new things. She is starting to laugh which puts a smile on your face that's hard to get rid of. My favorite time with my little girl right now is right after she wakes up in the morning, for about 10 minutes or so she is just all smiles and talks to herself, her bed and her blankie. We just started cereal this past week and she doesn't seem to mind it, she rolls from side to side but hasn't quite made it over yet. I am also impressed at how much control she already has over her body, it seems like she will be sitting up by herself in no time; which is super funny to think about because she is just such a tiny little girl. She really does have the most prettiest blue eyes I have ever seen, almost violet. She is perfect, beautiful and I just love her and I am so blessed to be able to say I'm her mommy!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Emma's Arrival

Well, where to start? Thursday afternoon June 5, 2008 I went to my weekly doctor's appointment to see if I had made any progress as far as dilating etc. but we ended up finding out a whole lot of other information and everything has been non-stop ever since. The doctor informed me that my urine was high in protein and that my blood pressure was rather high, he told me that I was in the begining stages of pre-eclampsia and that basically my body was done with the pregnancy. He told David and I to take about an hour to get things tied up at home, pack and get to the hospital. The plan at that time was to start inducing labor and that I may have a little one by Friday night or Saturday morning. I was kind of in a state of shock, a little excited, definitely scared and overwhelmed. We showed up at the hospital a few hours later and began monitoring the baby and checking my blood pressure on a regular basis. It was around 9:30 when the Dr came in and saw me, my blood pressure was checked and it was 199/124, Dr. advised me that he didn't want to wait and induce that we needed to do a c-section immediately to prevent me from having a seizure, stroke or any further complications. So about 30 minutes later I was in the operating room getting an epidural and the next thing I remember is Emma Pearl Davis was here and in her Daddy's arms. I barely got to see her face before she was taken back to the nursery and I was in recovery. My blood pressure remained high even after pregnancy so they put me on bedrest and I felt like they kept me away from my little girl forever. It was very emotional to not be able to spend the beginning hours of her life with her. David was awesome throughout the whole thing, he was torn between the two of us throughout most of the weekend, I know it must have been hard on him, but I felt like he was there with me at all the right times and I am thankful for that. It wasn't until Saturday that I really started to be able to spend some time with the little girl, she herself had spent a lot of time in the NICU under an oxygen hood, on an IV and with a feeding tube. Nothing really prepares you to see your little one all hooked up, but she did so good and was able to be in our room by Sunday! David referred to that as my blood pressure medicine :) I could go on and on about how crazy this past weekend has been with the flooding and my new little family but bottomline is we all got to come home together Monday evening and we have so much to be thankful for, so I am just going to get to posting some pictures of our new little girl!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

oh baby..

So I finally got to the point where I was starting to enjoy this whole pregnancy thing until I woke up Monday morning barely being able to see and the room spinning around me. I was so dizzy that nausea was the next thing that hit. So between the spinning room, vomiting and the feeling that I was sinking in to a hole in my bed, we made another trip to the first they thought it may have been my blood pressure, but my blood pressure was normal, so they hooked me up to an IV and gave me some fluids. I guess the final conclusion is that I was dehydrated. I have had a few dizzy spells since my release but nothing as severe as Monday morning. The only comforting thing about going to the hospital is hearing that baby's heartbeat for hours and hours, so much better than the two seconds you get to hear it at the Dr.'s office. I even got to hear my little ones hiccups for a little while...Well only about 7 weeks to go, until I get to be off work and holding my baby for two months :) Can't wait!

Friday, November 9, 2007

We're Going to the Doctor Today!

We get to hear our little one's heartbeat today!! I will post more after the appointment.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

I'm Pregnant...My Thoughts and Reactions!

Since my body is pretty much like clock work it was pretty obvious that something was up on October 6, 2007, but I didn't want to act too quickly and go from pure excitement to disappointment all in a matter of minutes so I put off taking a pregnancy test until Tuesday, October 9th. David was out at the church and I was home alone on my lunch break and as we all know now... the test was positive. At first, I couldn't believe it, I didn't know if I should scream or cry or what. I already knew that I was trying to keep it a surprise from David since his birthday was later that week, so I immediately had to call my sister to blurt out the news and figure out what the heck I needed to do. Well it was the day before David's birthday and he confronted me about being pregnant, and of course I couldn't lie so needless to say there was no longer a little surprise for him to find out about on his birthday. I thought that I was doing good too, I had put feminine products out in the bathroom so it looked like there was no way I could be pregnant, but my plan failed. Either way, it was fun to see how excited David was and is about having a little one.
And so the weeks pass... At first I didn't really feel any different, maybe a little tired and occasional heart burn but that was it. We went to our first Doctor's appointment on October 19th, and found out that my tentative due date is June 14th. It seems so far away but I have been assured that it goes by so quickly. We have another appointment scheduled for November 9th, and they are going to do our first sonogram. We may be able to hear the heart beat, but I am not sure. At this appointment the doctor is going to measure the baby and tell me exactly how many weeks he thinks I am and finalize my due date. I am not looking forward to the process of finding all this out, but am excited to see my little one for the first time.
Well I am now experienced in the morning sickness business. My experiences have been as follows: having to pull the car over on the side of the road, puking and/or gagging while brushing my teeth, cleaning up after myself while dry heaving at work and busting a blood vessel in my eye from intense strain while vomiting! So as for this week I am not a big fan of pregnancy but I will let you know if I change my mind as time goes on. I have heard that most of this will be over after the first trimester, however my mother and one of my sisters keep reminding me that they were sick the entire 9 months.